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A song for you

Como você deve imaginar, eu recebo mais e-mails que dou conta de ler, e mais indicações de novas bandas e discos do que consigo ouvir no meu dia extremamente corrido. Gostaria de poder responder todos os e-mails e ouvir todos os links de My Space que me passam logo na primeira hora, mas infelizmente não consigo (e, se tentar, é bem provável que eu até os ouça, mas não consiga escrever, o que seria – ao menos para mim – muito pior).

O que acontece comigo também acontece com praticamente todo mundo do meio (não excluindo ninguém), e chamar a atenção dessas pessoas cujo tempo é algo raro (e dias de 36 horas são um sonho) é muito, mas muito difícil. Foi por isso que quando recebi via My Space o e-mail (spam?) da Kara, algo chamou a minha atenção. O e-mail é doce e delicado como nunca li em nenhum release em minha vida, que trata a música com a mesma paixão com que nós ouvimos. Foi assim:

Hi, my name is Kara, and I work at a little indie record label in Seattle, WA. I drink hot tea every day (even in the summer) and sit at a computer near a window that overlooks construction. My job is to help promote singer-songwriter Peter Bradley Adams. I’m not raking in the big bucks, but I love it because I really believe in his music.

So here’s the part where I try to convince you to listen to this tune we’re giving away — The problem is there are a billion and one singer-songwriters out there. Heck! I’m one of them! With so much music all around us (and much of it sounding the same) what can I say that will interest you enough to check him out? Anything I say will sound cliche. I’m beat before I’ve even begun.

All I can do is honestly tell you that Peter’s song “Los Angeles” gives me goosebumps every time I hear it…. There’s something about the simple chord progression in the piano that touches me instantly, catching my full attention far before the lyrics enter. As for the lyrics, I was just saying to my coworker that they appeal to that sentimental part of me that likes to personify my surroundings and divine meaning from subtle movements in the world around me. For instance, lamps always turn off as I approach them. The logical conclusion: I must be part vampire.

Whatever my genetic makeup, Peter’s music truly reaches me:

That’s his MySpace page. (His song “Los Angeles” is on my profile)

And here’s a link to that tune I promised to give you:

Anyway, thanks for your time!

-Kara @ Sarathan Records

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